Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. I've installed a plugin for the overworld sprites that gives me the option to have a number of extra walking frames, but has this been uploaded for the battler? Coz I can see that there are only 3 frames allowed per action on the sprite sheet, which is very limited to have good convincing battle animations. Does RPG maker automatically recognize if I have a character that is 50x50 pixel or 100x100? or do they all have to be 48x48 for the over world, and 62圆2 for the Battle animations? And if so, if I wanted to make a character larger than 62 in the battle screen, does he have to be scaled in 2 or 3 times 62圆2? (vice versa for shrinking?) Made for instant import into the RPGMaker. Based on the Universal LPC Sprite Sheet project which is a free, open source project aimed at providing free character art for 2D games. When assigning art to a actor in the database you have to have three different sizes of art for the different uses. An easy to use tool which uses free, open art, allowing you to easily make thousands of unique character sprite sheets for your game or project. Me and my friends just started playing around in RPG maker and wanted to start making a game, but I have some questions first.